4 Fintech Trends to Watch at Money20/20 Europe

Hand interacting with digital holographic graph representing fintech trends for 2024

Discover the top 4 fintech trends in 2024! Explore the latest trends in the fintech industry shaping the future of finance and innovation.

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Decentralized Finance Applications

Decentralized finance challenges this status quo by placing greater financial control into the hands of the consumer.

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Embedded Finance vs. Banking as a Service

Traditional banking services are no longer the only way to handle funds in the digital age. With the rise of fintech and innovative financial technology, businesses seeking to provide customers with financial services now have two new options…

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Financial Access for Unbanked and Underbanked Populations

The number of unbanked and underbanked households worldwide has been decreasing. This is a positive for most financial institutions, but many still need access to or use traditional banking services.

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