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Your all-in-one Source for
Industry Insights

At Entrapeer, we believe that for innovation initiatives to succeed, they need to be grounded in reality – not abstract ideas or lofty promises.

Your all-in-one source for
innovation insights

At Entrapeer, we believe that for innovation initiatives to succeed, they need to be grounded in reality – not abstract ideas or lofty promises.

So, when we say that our platform will save you precious time and money...

We know we have to back up our claim with evidence. That’s what this page is all about.

Below, we detail how entrapeer connects startups with corporations worldwide through our proprietary AI-powered database that provides live, relevant industry insights. Browse by industry to see how we’re making ripples in your sector, or simply read through each project for a high-level summary of our corporate innovation services and their real-life ROI.

Innovation insights backed by evidence.

Our goal is to empower both B2B startups and industry leading enterprises with the tools and market intelligence they need to advance their POC projects and unlock new business opportunities.

What we do this with evidence

To provide relevant industry insights, our platform uses AI to collect and curate use cases, innovation news, startup case studies, and other essential data points from around the world. We then collate this information to empower you – and all innovation stakeholders within your organization – to activate your next POC, acquisition, or startup partnership with the confidence that your investment will pay off.

We don’t leave it all up to the algorithm though

Our team (of real human beings) does the due diligence of vetting startups, verifying project data, and extracting use cases. Then our easy-to-understand and share evidence templates give you the context to pursue only the best innovation solutions.

In other words, we combine the best of both worlds: the superhuman processing power of AI along with the critical insights of human experts.

Learn how we’ve helped leading enterprises in your industry leverage industry insights.

Entrapeer helps leading European telco company reduce startup scouting time by 80%


One of the largest mobile phone operators in Europe & entrapeer

How We Helped

After searching unsuccessfully for over a year, one of Europe’s largest telecommunication companies leveraged entrapeer’s use case and evidence repository to find their ideal startup partner in a matter of weeks. This partnership, with one of the largest enterprise search startups, resulted in the enterprise gaining invaluable insights into the potential of new technologies to optimize the company’s performance, reduce energy consumption, and tap new markets.

Isbank upgrades its cash forecasting and default prediction thanks to entrapeer’s startup scouting process

Why It Matters

Işbank needed a machine learning (ML) solution that to train the best model in the least amount of time. So, they turned to entrapeer to identify, test, and implement the best startup solution. Entrapeer tapped its global network to secure a POC project with H2O, which resulted in performance improvements, revenue increases, and cost reductions in existing app development.

Accelerating Innovation in the Turkish Tire Market with Exclusive Market Research and 80% Time Savings


One of Europe’s leading tire manufacturers & entrapeer

How We Helped

Enterprise Search Startups

A leading enterprise in the European tire market approached entrapeer in 2022. The client was scouting for startups that focus on on vertical/indoor farming, waterless agriculture, and industrial/urban water treatment solutions. The tire giant’s research scope was quite broad and they required a quick turnaround. Entrapeer accepted the challenge, and within XX months, we developed 18 comprehensive market research reports for the enterprise, focusing on only the more promising and impactful agricultural solutions. Entrapeer’s efforts reduced the client’s startup scouting time by 80% and provided additional context – like specific industry insights – that empowered them to make informed innovation investments.

Innovate with Evidence

So, whether you’re looking to…

Acquire your industry’s next unicorn.

Find your startup soulmate.

Land your next POC project with the enterprise partner of your dreams.

Diversify your business by branching out into new sectors.

Capitalize on emerging technologies before the competition.


How do startups collaborate with enterprises?

There are numerous ways that startups and enterprises can collaborate, but the method gaining the most traction in recent years is through innovation partnerships.

Both parties benefit because the startup gains access to a new testing ground for their technologies and services, while the enterprise can leverage the agility and ingenuity of startups to unlock new business opportunities.

How can startups work with corporates?

Startup-corporate partnerships vary depending on the project and its duration; however, there are two main strategies: plug-and-play or POC/pilot projects.

With a plug-and-play solution, the startup simply “plugs” their technology into the corporation’s existing infrastructure, and it’s off to the races. This typically applies to straightforward, one-size-fits-all products/services with a successful track record.

The second method – conducting a proof of concept (POC) or pilot project – tends to be much more collaborative. The roles and responsibilities of both parties vary depending on the project scope; however, startups and corporates usually work closely together to adopt the startup’s solution to the enterprise’s needs. This method may require multiple iterations since both startups and enterprises are entering uncharted waters.

Can startups partner with big companies?

Even the smallest startup can partner with Fortune 500 companies – so long as there is a good use case/product fit. By this, we mean that the startup must demonstrate how their product/service provides the perfect solution for the particular challenge an enterprise faces.

How can large corporates and multinationals benefit from working with startups?

Corporates and multinationals benefit from working with startups because startups are generally more agile and innovative. When corporates find the right startup partner, such collaboration can result in novel products, new revenue streams, diversification opportunities, and more.

Get in contact with entrapeer team