We’ve got a confession to make: we talk about our innovation technology platform a lot.
We’re pretty darn proud of it. But with all that tech talk it can be easy to forget that there are real human beings behind this platform.
It’s not just some algorithm that we built and release into the wilderness of the web. It’s a continuously evolving innovation ecosystem that we pour countless hours of research, refinement, and passion into every day.
So for this blog, we thought we’d take a break from all our talk of tech, trends, and features. Instead, we want to introduce you to the people building entrapeer’s innovation technology platform.
Sure, you can always stalk our LinkedIn profiles if you really want to. But we want to show you the human side of our team – the nerdy and artistic, the curious and creative, the salsa and swing dancing, and so much more.
Meet the entrapeer team
Burak Arik
Co-founder (aka C-Suite whisperer)
I’m a tech-passionate computer engineer turned executive living in San Francisco. I always thought Silicon Valley was to an engineer what the NBA is for a basketball player. But ever since day 1, when I landed my dream job here, I’ve been so thankful to work in this dynamic environment. Still, I push myself harder every single day to learn and grow.
When he was little he wanted to be…a pilot to see many different countries.
Favorite ice cream: Doesn’t matter, I eat them all.
Strengths: Exploring new cultures, new geographies, and capturing them through my camera lens is my life’s passion. I’ve visited more than 35 countries so far to feed my wanderlust, and I’m looking forward to seeing many more!
Proudest achievement: Above all else, I’m a proud dad of one girl and one boy.
Hobbies: 👑 Keep Calm & Check Out My Website 😎
Eren Hükümdar
Co-founder (aka Dot Connector)
My career path was a winding one, but I’m glad it led me here. Over the years I’ve worked in this field, I’ve been an innovation leader, product manager, business developer, and software architect. Now – after earning my stripes – I’m finally a Corporate Innovation Expert. But I’s say my most important title of all is expectant father.
When he was little he wanted to be…an inventor and an astronaut.
Favorite ice cream: I once worked at an ice cream shop and ate my fill. Now I’d rather eat french fries.
Strengths: Being able to talk on the phone for 12 hours at a stretch…I’m also a voracious reader. I read everything. I think that’s what helps me come up with novel ways of applying new technologies to seemingly unrelated use cases.
Proudest achievement: Bringing entrapeer to life. I’m proud because it’s my own invention, but it also helps other inventors realize their own visions.
Hobbies: Camping, corgies, and aviation. I love passenger jets and their flight experiences – well, at least before the pandemic. I am a bit of fortune teller (and not in a good way). There’re couple serious events recorded 🙂
Sara Holyavkin
Head of Experience & Marketing (aka Chief Color Officer)
I have expertise in corporate innovation consultancy and startup ecosystems. Previously I worked as a software architect then product lead in digital transformation, core banking, and personal financial management projects, at a software company that serves large enterprises.
When she was little she wanted to be…an archaeologist, an interior architect, and a bioscientist. I couldn’t make up my mind!
Favorite ice cream: Tahini <3
Strengths: I’m detail- and execution-focused, a natural-observer, and hyper organized.
Proudest achievement: I am constantly seeking new experiences; I always dare to start over. My last professional achievement was joining the entrapeer team by leaving my previous job, which has served me a comfortable & predictable career path.
My proudest achievement lately has been managing to juggle the nonstop startup life with all my hobbies.
Hobbies: I’ve been doing watercolor since 2017 (find me @dive.into.colors on Insta!). I’m also an amateur ceramicist and a newbie lindy hop dancer. Last but not least, I love birdwatching and learning about these creatures around me.
Jale Ipekoǧlu
Head of IT (aka Schrödinger’s Cat)
I’m a computer engineer with experience in corporate innovation: specifically matchmaking enterprises with the right startup partners. Before my current role, I developed my expertise in the quantum computing ecosystem with additional ten years of experience in the roles of software developer, system analyst, team leader, and scrum master in the financial services industry.
When she was little she wanted to be…an astronaut. Then a computer engineer.
Favorite ice cream: Chocolate
Strengths: I’m a result-oriented, data enthusiast. I try to keep track of every bit of data I can get my hands on and I try to always question everything.
Proudest achievement: Being a part of Entrapeer and learning about quantum computing.
Hobbies: I love everything to do with quantum computing. And cats. I’m also a huge fan of English literature, especially Harry Potter, Jane Austen, Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes.
Ali Işitman
Head of Startup Relationships (aka Innovative Mediator)
I studied Software Engineering, then came to California to study entrepreneurship at Stanford. After about 5 years working hands-on with software, I arrived in the Bay Area to pursue innovation. That’s what I’ve done ever since.
I started by helping establish the Corporate Innovation Services at Maxitech, working closely with startups and enterprises. It was there that I discovered my talent for persuasion. So, I naturally gravitated toward the evidence gathering and matchmaking role of facilitating enterprise-startup partnerships.
When he was little he wanted to be…Batman. I still do actually but I’m missing a few billion dollars in disposable income and the necessary willpower.
Favorite ice cream: Pistachio is king. Otherwise vanilla with improvised toppings.
Strengths: I have a very short attention span most of the time. Fortunately, that helped me learn how to learn, and I picked up skills and knowledge from a wide variety of topics. I can talk about virtually anything with anyone.
Proudest achievement: Upending my life, moving halfway across the world, putting 11+ hours in time difference between me and everyone I know. Hard decision to try and make your own way, but ultimately worth the effort.
Hobbies: Anything nerdy, really. Mostly video games but I’m a sucker for a good story so movies, tv shows, comic books, actual books, etc. All great. Used to ride horses and compete internationally, that was fun. I also bake to supply my own snacks.
Hillary Lyons
Copywriter & Content Strategist (aka Wordsmith)
I’m a copywriter and brand strategist with 10+ years in the field. But I’m also a former sushi chef, a plant nerd, a Zelda fan, and an avid baker (sourdough – not sweets). I have a liberal arts degree in subjects that don’t offer job opportunities outside of academia (much to my father’s chagrin), as well as a Master’s in Gastronomy from the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy.
I love helping startups, creative entrepreneurs, and mission-driven organizations discover their brand voice and establish a digital presence so they can share their stories with the world.
When she was little she wanted to be…a mermaid. Or a writer. Then I learned the two were incompatible.
Favorite ice cream: Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey
Strengths: I’m a systems-thinker, proactive problem solver, and suuuper organized (like, “that girl that color-coded her notes in high school” organized).
Proudest achievement: Starting my own consultancy business so I only work with the people and companies I believe in.
Hobbies: I love cooking, baking, hiking, and foraging (especially for wild mushrooms!). My latest hobby born of the pandemic is embroidery.
Mümtaz Cem Eriş
AI Engineer (aka Data Dancer)
I’m a highly disciplined, self-motivated AI engineer based in Turkey. I don’t do anything halfway. When I set my mind to something – whether that’s becoming a ballroom dancer or a fullstack developer – I go after it. No matter how difficult.
I have experience working in both enterprises and startups, so I’ve learned over the years how to be agile and adaptive while moving toward bigger picture goals.
When he was little he wanted to be…An actor. I have loved to imitate since my childhood.
Favorite ice cream: Vanilla
Strengths: I’m stoic, hardworking and disciplined. I’m always finding inspirating and motivation by the trailblazers who carve their own paths, no matter the industry.
Proudest achievement: Helping build entrapeer and becoming a national athlete in ballroom dancing.
Hobbies: Although it is more than a hobby, I spend a lot of my time competing in Latin American dance. I have been competing since 2017, and I am currently a national athlete at Turkish DanceSport Federation (TDSF).
Cüneyt Erkol
UI/UX Designer (aka Design Perfector)
I am a web designer who has worked in the field for 10+ years. I believe I am super positive and creative. With the experience that I have gained, I always try to improve my work and hone my skills.
When he was little he wanted to be…I always knew I wanted to do something with computers, but now I want to be a farmer 😉
Favorite ice cream: Chocolate and vanilla swirl
Strengths: I like researching for online trends and keeping up to date. I am an optimistic and sociable person who gives lots of feedback. I believe this helps everyone – myself included – strive to do better.
Proudest achievement: My lovely family. Also, the friendships I’ve made by working with all the lovely people I’ve met over the years.
Hobbies: Playing online games with my toddler son. Also watching countless videos about moving to the suburbs, construction, and renovation.
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