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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the entrapeer platfom.​

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What is entrapeer?

Entrapeer is the world's largest use case database and the first evidence-based corporate innovation matchmaking tool.

We help industry-leading enterprises find the right startup solutions based on emerging tech trends. Simultaneously, we act as a sales enablement tool for startups by translating startup success stories into use cases that enterprises can easily understand and adopt.

What distinguishes entrapeer from other innovation scouting platforms?

Many market intelligence or innovation platforms simply scrape the web and harvest whatever information they might find.


The problem is that none of that data is verified. None of those sources are vetted. These sites rely on startups to regularly check their profiles and update their info.

Here at entrapeer, we collect use case-specific data from trusted sources to show proof of a startup’s past successes and demonstrate product readiness. We also offer third-party verification upon request, wherein we contact a startup’s past customers to confirm project results.

What do we mean by “market research”?

“Market Research” describes the reports we generate around trending topics to make use cases more discoverable. These reports might be inspired by market data, tech trends, or user behavior. Actually, they’re kind of like Netflix categories. They might refer to…

  • specific tech like 5G or blockchain,
  • “genres” like green energy or cybersecurity,
  • or more complex concepts like “remote work enablement” or “fast-moving consumer goods”

And just like oddly specific Netflix categories, new market research reports are emerging all the time so keep an eye out or suggest your own.

What do we mean by “use case”?

Put simply, a “use case” is a hypothetical or real-life application of a product or service. It describes how someone might use that product/service to achieve a specific goal.

For example, AI has many use cases in all aspects of our everyday life. It can be applied to insurance software to detect claims fraud or molecular analysis programs to discover new pharmaceutical drugs.

We help enterprises find use cases that enable them to understand how novel technologies might apply to their business, and thereby identify new innovation opportunities.

What do we mean by “evidence”?

When it comes to vetting potential partners, case studies just don’t cut it. That’s because case studies can be biased or missing essential information like project length or customer involvement.

That’s why we use evidence.

Evidence represents all the data enterprises need in order to confidently invest in innovation. Evidence includes case studies, but it’s a lot more than that. It’s stuff like use cases, market insights, technical papers, ROI, project duration, startup certifications, and much more.

For each startup that joins the platform, entrapeer collects all of this data and strips it of all marketing fluff. That way, each startup’s profile presents only the evidence.

How much does entrapeer cost?

If you’ve looked into other innovation scouting platforms, you know that those subscription fees can be pretty steep.

Enterprises can pay millions per year just for the slight chance of finding a startup solution to fit their ever-changing needs. Meanwhile, startups spend thousands per month on unintuitive “sales enablement” tools that don’t result in qualified leads.

We keep our prices well below the standard market rate by monetizing both sides of the marketplace: we offer matchmaking services for enterprises and a sales enablement platform for startups.

To learn more about our pricing, please schedule a quick 15-minute call using this link.

How does entrapeer’s matchmaking process work?
What are the benefits for me?

Entrapeer helps both enterprises and startups dramatically reduce their scouting and sales cycles to find the right partner more quickly.

The greatest benefit to enterprises is that you can unlock new business opportunities by leveraging the latest insights on novel technologies and their emerging use cases.

Our database is updated in real-time with industry news, tech trends, market research, and other data from hundreds of reliable sources. Our aim is to curate this information and thereby help you determine:

  • How to apply new technologies to your business
  • Which trending topics are most relevant to your enterprise
  • What other enterprises in your industry are working on (and which startups they’re working with)

Our sleek startup profiles allow you to bring your team (and anyone else involved) up to speed quickly. Plus, we provide trend reports, industry insights, and definitions of technical terms so you can hop on a sales call with a strong understanding of the product and cut straight to the chase.

Why should I sign up for “premium” membership?

Membership is a seat-based subscription fee, with additional services offered a la carte.

You can search our database for free, but you will only get a glimpse of the evidence you need to make informed innovation decisions. If, on the other hand, you become a premium member, you’ll gain access to:

  • On-demand evidence validation
  • Exclusive focused scouting
  • Live innovation support
  • Engagement support
  • Market movement & competitor insights
  • Curated, customizable news feed updated with over 115 reputable technology and industrial sources daily

For more information on premium membership, please schedule a quick 15-minute call using this link.

How many use cases are on the platform? How many startups?

We have tens of thousands of use cases and startups on the platform. Thanks to our proprietary AI engine – entramind – we’re adding more every day. 

With over 2 million companies in our data pipeline, you can rest assured that we have the most up-to-date information on rising startups, promising use cases, and emerging trends in every industry.

What do you mean by "market research"?

“Market Research” describes the reports we generate around trending topics to make use cases more discoverable. These reports might be inspired by market data, tech trends, or user behavior. Actually, they’re kind of like Netflix categories. They might refer to…

  • specific tech like 5G or blockchain,
  • “genres” like green energy or cybersecurity,
  • or more complex concepts like “remote work enablement” or “fast-moving consumer goods”

And just like oddly specific Netflix categories, new market research reports are emerging all the time so keep an eye out or suggest your own.

What do you mean by “use case”?

Put simply, a “use case” is a hypothetical or real-life application of a product or service. It describes how someone might use that product/service to achieve a specific goal.

For example, AI has many use cases in all aspects of our everyday life. It can be applied to insurance software to detect claims fraud or molecular analysis programs to discover new pharmaceutical drugs.

We help enterprises find use cases that enable them to understand how novel technologies might apply to their business, and thereby identify new innovation opportunities.

What do you mean by “evidence”?

When it comes to vetting potential partners, case studies just don’t cut it. That’s because case studies can be biased or missing essential information like project length or customer involvement.

That’s why we use evidence.

Evidence represents all the data enterprises need in order to confidently invest in innovation. Evidence includes case studies, but it’s a lot more than that. It’s stuff like use cases, market insights, technical papers, ROI, project duration, startup certifications, and much more.

For each startup that joins the platform, entrapeer collects all of this data and strips it of all marketing fluff. That way, each startup’s profile presents only the evidence.

How does our verification process work?

Entrapeer offers startups third-party verification for a fee.

Not only does this lend a startup’s evidence more weight: it also helps us match them with the perfect enterprise partner.

If a startup opts for verification, we ask that they share contact information for their VC and for the customer(s) referenced in their evidence. We then reach out to both parties and ask for confirmation of the data, as well as testimonials.

Once we receive confirmation from both parties, we’ll add testimonials and verification badges to the startup’s profile.

How secure is entrapeer?

We developed and secured the entrapeer platform in accordance with industry standards using SSL and aws security.

All enterprise data (profile, search history, etc.) is completely anonymous. Startups’ profile data is public, however, startups can determine which use cases they share and how much detail they provide when setting up their account.

How does entrapeer select related news?

A lot of tech is great in theory, but it's not till you see it in practice that you can truly understand how it might apply to your business.

Our search engine combs news sources from around the world to find the most relevant supporting articles for the specific use case you're interested in.

We use themes, tags, and keywords to find news related to the tech you want to learn more about – so you can decide if it's the right use case for your innovation initiatives.

How does your AI engine work?

We recognized the generative AI’s potential for innovation research years ago. Which is why we partnered with Open AI from day 1.

Today we have a robust AI engine – entramind – built specifically to create use cases and synthesize data on markets, tech trends, startup ecosystems, and more into actionable insights.

It works by combining news sources, industry reports, and startup websites to find information about different applications for startups’ technologies. We have millions of startups in our data pipeline, so we prioritize these based on customer requests and trending topics. For example, if a customer wants to learn more about generative AI, we check the data pipeline to identify which companies are working on this topic and move them to the top of our list. Entramind will then create use cases and extract market data relevant to this subject. The customer can even request industry-specific examples and our innovation experts will conduct additional research to identify the best potential business opportunities for that particular client.

How often are use cases added or updated?

Every minute of every day.

What is a “supercase”?

A supercase is simply a realized use case, or a real-life example of a startup’s technological solution and the results of that project. Supercases are generally (but not always) the product of a startup’s collaboration with an enterprise or institution. 

How does entrapeer’s matchmaking process work?
Who is entrapeer for? Within my enterprise, who would benefit the most from using this platform?

Entrapeer is for any enterprise that wants to gain a competitive advantage and become an industry leader by partnering with the most promising startups around the world.

Though entrapeer can offer valuable insights to stakeholders throughout an enterprise, innovation teams and strategists or new procurement teams tend to benefit from our platform the most.

What are the benefits for me?

Entrapeer helps both enterprises and startups dramatically reduce their scouting and sales cycles to find the right partner more quickly.

The greatest benefit to enterprises is that you can unlock new business opportunities by leveraging the latest insights on novel technologies and their emerging use cases.

Our database is updated in real-time with industry news, tech trends, themes, and other data from hundreds of reliable sources. Our aim is to curate this information and thereby help you determine:

  • How to apply new technologies to your business
  • Which trending topics are most relevant to your enterprise
  • What other enterprises in your industry are working on (and which startups they’re working with)

Our sleek startup profiles allow you to bring your team (and anyone else involved) up to speed quickly. Plus, we provide trend reports, industry insights, and definitions of technical terms so you can hop on a sales call with a strong understanding of the product and cut straight to the chase.

What happens if I don’t work with entrapeer?

The plain truth of the matter is that companies today have to invest in enterprise-wide innovation if they want to remain competitive.

But innovation is a risky business.

You can reduce that risk by accessing the evidence you need to make informed innovation decisions. Or you can gamble on moonshot startups that overpromise and underdeliver. Or you can opt not to innovate at all and be left in the dust by your competitors.

The choice is yours.

I already have an in-house Innovation Team/Expert. Why should I use entrapeer?

Even if you already have an Innovation Team in place, entrapeer can help expedite your scouting process and inspire new research with our regular trend reports.

All of our startups have been vetted by our team of corporate innovation experts and third-party verification ensures that all the information provided is accurate and up to date.

Our platform sifts through hundreds of startups using hyper-specific filters to find you the most fitting use cases and technological solutions for the challenges you face. Then, with the click of a button, you can schedule a meeting with the startup and kick off the conversation.

How fast can my enterprise expect to find a match?

How fast you find your next startup partner depends on how clear you are on what you’re looking for.

Do you have a specific project or technology in mind? Or are you just exploring use cases to find inspiration for your next innovation initiative?

The entrapeer platform is designed to help you discover use cases, unlock new business opportunities, and meet your startup soulmate – no matter where in the startup scouting process you may be.

Once you sign up and set your preferences, you can find your first startup match in minutes. Or you can set alerts and build reports that will keep you up to speed on the latest industry trends for the weeks and months ahead.

In any case, entrapeer helps save you hours or even months in your scouting so you can focus on the innovative work that matters most.

Why should I sign up for “premium” membership?

Membership is a seat-based subscription fee, with additional services offered a la carte.

You can search our database for free, but you will only get a glimpse of the evidence you need to make informed innovation decisions. If, on the other hand, you become a premium member, you’ll gain access to:

  • On-demand evidence validation
  • Exclusive focused scouting
  • Live innovation support
  • Engagement support
  • Market movement & competitor insights
  • Curated, customizable news feed updated with over 115 reputable technology and industrial sources daily

For more information on premium membership, please schedule a quick 15-minute call using this link.

Why can’t I just Google all this information myself?

If you Google search, you might find a case study on the startup’s website or a few news articles. But case studies are unreliable and if a startup’s in the news, you’re already too late to the party. That startup is well beyond the early seed stages where an enterprise partnership can be the most critical – and most fruitful.

Entrapeer is designed to curate and synthesize your industry’s latest developments and emerging use cases long before that data hits Google’s front page. Additionally, our database includes information you can’t find elsewhere, like exclusive expert sources, verification of past project results, and our research team’s actionable insights tailored to your specific needs.

So why not save yourself the time and hassle and give entrapeer a shot today? Simply start by searching for a keyword, technology, or theme you’re interested in exploring.

Why does entrapeer include startups that don’t have any case studies or customer testimonials?

Some of the most visionary startups haven’t had a chance to test their product with an enterprise customer, so they might not have the same “evidence” that most startups on our platform do.

Entrapeer recognizes that these startups are pioneers in their field. They’re exploring cutting-edge technologies that may or may not have real-world applications...yet.

Rather than exclude these promising startups from our platform because of their lack of evidence, we want to give you a complete picture of the work they do and the direction they’re going – so you can stay 10 steps ahead of the competition.

What outcomes can we expect working with entrapeer?

Each enterprise’s goals and needs vary, but in general, we have a three-step process to deliver actionable insights, identify new business opportunities, and connect you with the most qualified startup solutions.

Step 1: Research

  • An enterprise approaches us with an urgent problem to solve or a desire to understand a novel technology or emerging trend.
  • Our innovation experts and AI engine work together to create custom market research on the requested topic. This report covers things like a technology’s impact on the industry, potential threats/opportunities, market trends, etc.

Step 2: Strategy

  • Based on our findings, our research team discovers new business opportunities and market insights tailored to the client’s innovation strategy, end goals, and capabilities.
  • We also provide the client with evidence of past POC projects related to these business opportunities so they can gauge ROI.

Step 3: Implementation

  • We search our vast use case database to discover the startups most qualified to fulfill the client’s specific objectives.
  • We connect the client and startup so they can kick off their POC armed with the evidence they need to minimize friction and maximize ROI.
How does entrapeer help with decision making and selecting proof-of-concept projects?

We help by cutting through all the noise – investment data, startup websites, fluffed-up case studies – to determine which technological solutions and use cases are most relevant to your enterprise’s problem statement. 

We then check for realized use cases – or supercases – to prove that these solutions are viable, and analyze how they can be applied to your unique POC.

Do you offer live support

Yes, as a paid customer, you can always contact an innovation expert with questions or to request custom reports with deeper insights.


All enterprises are assigned their own innovation expert upon sign up.

How does entrapeer’s matchmaking process work?
What can entrapeer do with my evidence?

Entrapeer may use the evidence you publish on your profile to inform our trend reports and research papers. We may also give your profile a shoutout on social media or in a blog, but we will not publish any sensitive information or “premium” content publicly.

If you choose not to name your past customers, we will respect their privacy and anonymize them in all our content.

We also ensure that your data and your rights are protected through our terms & conditions and privacy policy agreements.

What if my evidence can’t be verified?

There are a couple of reasons your evidence might not be verified.

If the customer suggests modifications to your data, we’ll get in touch with you. If you approve of the changes your customer provided, all you have to do is let us know so we can update your profile (and add your shiny new verification badge). If you don’t approve the changes, we’ll hop on a call with you to resolve the issue.

If the customer declines to verify or disagrees with the evidence provided, we’ll share their reasoning with you and schedule a call to discuss it.

In this case, you can either opt to keep this evidence on your profile but include the enterprise’s feedback and testimonial (even if it is unflattering). Or you can remove this case study and replace it with another, more favorable one. We’d much prefer to highlight your positive experiences with clients, the call is yours.

What if I don’t have any case studies or customers yet?

We invite you to test out our platform regardless of whether you have existing case studies or past customers. In fact, entrapeer may be just the tool you need to start collaborating with enterprises and building your authority!

Since our platform is use case-based, you can use our templates to show how your product or service is disrupting your industry without referencing a past project.

If you do have success stories but haven’t had time to write them up yet, our onboarding process will help you build a compelling case for why enterprises should partner with you.

Why should I join entrapeer? What’s in it for me?

Entrapeer helps both enterprises and startups find each other easily without losing precious time and money. The greatest benefit to startups is that once you set up your profile and add your evidence, you can sit back and watch qualified leads come to you. Rather than chasing down innovation teams and C-suite executives, you just have to provide the proof that your product works. We find the enterprises seeking your kind of technological solution, and send them to your profile. They educate themselves on your product by combing through the evidence, then schedule a call with you to learn more. That way, you both enter the sales call on a foundation of trust. As an added bonus, these enterprises may come from market segments outside your original target audience, with novel ideas (or “use cases”) as to how your product can help their business. In this way, you can “cross-pollinate” by tapping into new sectors and revenue streams.

What happens if I don’t work with entrapeer?

The plain truth of the matter is that, in order to land large-scale enterprise clients, you need to know how enterprises operate and who to talk to within each enterprise. Then you have to earn their trust.

We already know the ins and outs of corporate innovation.

We’ve already done the legwork of building trust with C-suite executives.

We’ve already identified the key figures who will be your greatest champions within the enterprise.

But, if you’re perfectly content with multi-month (or – gasp – multi-year!) sales cycles, endless education meetings, and missed opportunities, then we wish you the best of luck out there.

How many leads or enterprise meetings does entrapeer guarantee?

Entrapeer is not a lead generation platform.

We are an innovation matchmaking platform and a sales enablement tool. That means we focus on giving you the tools to present compelling evidence and proof of product readiness.

We do not guarantee startups any set number of leads, however, we can guarantee that the leads who come to you are qualified.

Enterprises review your uses cases and evidence, then agree to meet your POC requirements. If you opt for verification, you’ll also receive our vote of confidence – so that only the most qualified enterprise leads reach out to you.

In other words, enterprises effectively screen themselves so you don’t have to waste precious time on qualifying leads and repetitive education meetings.

How much does entrapeer cost?

If you’ve looked into other innovation scouting platforms, you know that those subscription fees can be pretty steep.

Enterprises can pay millions per year just for the slight chance of finding a startup solution to fit their ever-changing needs. Meanwhile, startups spend thousands per month on unintuitive “sales enablement” tools that don’t result in qualified leads.

We make our pricing accessible by monetizing both sides of the marketplace: we offer matchmaking services for enterprises, and a sales enablement platform for startups.

To learn more about our pricing, please use our contact form to schedule a demo.

Why should I sign up for “premium” membership?

Membership is a seat-based subscription fee, with additional services offered a la carte. 

You can search our database for free, but you will only get a glimpse of the evidence you need to make informed innovation decisions. If, on the other hand, you become a premium member, you’ll gain access to:

  • On-demand evidence validation
  • Exclusive focused scouting
  • Live innovation support
  • Engagement support
  • Market movement & competitor insights
  • Curated, customizable news feed updated with over 115 reputable technology and industrial sources daily

For more information on premium membership, please schedule a quick 15 minute call using this link.

What is entrapeer?

Entrapeer is the world's largest use case database and the first evidence-based corporate innovation matchmaking tool.

We help industry-leading enterprises find the right startup solutions based on emerging tech trends. Simultaneously, we act as a sales enablement tool for startups by translating startup success stories into use cases that enterprises can easily understand and adopt.

Who are you? What are your qualifications?

Over the past 7 years, our team has perfected a process to vet startups, verify product readiness, and match enterprises with the right tech solution.

We’ve helped some of the world’s leading enterprises find their startup soulmates, resulting in over 100 completed POC projects and 20+ successful partnerships.

We’ve come to understand both sides of the innovation coin: we know the barriers startups face in pitching their products, just as we know how enterprises operate to minimize risk.

We developed entrapeer (with the backing of Isbank, Turkey’s largest private bank) to smooth out the friction that arises in innovation partnerships and facilitate faster progress.

To learn more about our team and how we got here, check out our About page.

Why did you create entrapeer?

We believe that innovation is more than lofty ideas. We believe that for innovation to be successful, it has to be grounded in reality.

Our mission is to make innovation more:

  • Accessible: Our goal is to transcend cultural and language barriers so that we can catalyze innovation across all industries.
  • Actionable: Our platform delivers proof of concept, giving you the confidence to act and innovate.
  • Attainable: Our search engine system fosters long-term relationships that spark cultural shifts within enterprises and startups alike.

That’s why we present nothing but the evidence: to showcase the success of startups and their trailblazing technologies from an unbiased perspective. Armed with that information, enterprises can make informed decisions and invest in innovation with greater confidence.

What distinguishes entrapeer from other innovation scouting platforms?

Many market intelligence or innovation platforms simply scrape the web and harvest whatever information they might find.

The problem is that none of that data is verified. None of those sources are vetted. These sites rely on startups to regularly check their profiles and update their info.

Here at entrapeer, we collect use case-specific data from trusted sources to show proof of a startup’s past successes and demonstrate product readiness. We also offer third-party verification upon request, wherein we contact a startup’s past customers to confirm project results.

How does entrapeer support an equal community and sustainable environment?

Our evidence-based approach dissolves geographic, cultural, and language barriers so that information (and innovation) is more widely available.

By highlighting technological solutions and past successes above all else, we hope to eradicate discrimination and foster a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community of changemakers.

We also do our best to highlight startups and enterprises with a commitment to sustainability. Our hope is that by recognizing the widespread achievements in this field, we can show people in all industries that change is possible and inspire them to action.

Does entrapeer promote companies?

In short, no.

We don’t promote specific startups or enterprises because we believe all companies should stand on equal footing and have equal opportunities to innovate.

We do not create subsidized trend reports, nor do we promote specific enterprises/startups based on financial incentives, or incentives of any kind.

We do however highlight the success stories of the startups and enterprises on our platform so we can call attention to the innovative work being done across all industries. We aim to use our channels (social media, blog, etc.) to educate others about emerging technologies that are unlocking new possibilities every day.

What is your current geographical coverage?

We source use cases, startup data, case studies, and news from all over the world. We even collect data on emerging markets and present those developments in real-time so you can act on fresh insights – not stale reports. 

We are also fortunate to work with partners in:

  • North America: Canada & US
  • Europe:
    • Germany
    • UK
    • Denmark
    • Turkey 
  • And Asia:
    • Israel
    • China

Get in contact with entrapeer team